Start The Adventure is a bold new feature on the HOME ARCHITECTS ® website format. It is all about starting the adventure of a lifetime: beginning your new architectural project (possibly a new house project) by walking your land with an Architect.
Start the Adventure is accessible by clicking on a new button on the main page This new button, called the “Start the Adventure” button, is on the right side of a horizontal page divider. This page divider is called: “Walk Your Land with the Architect (site analysis).”
This bold new horizontal element will have a lot of white space around it and will ask you: “Do you have your land or other property and eager to have your Architect walk it with you? We can do that. Click the button to the right to start.” If website Users will then look to the right, they will see the “Start the Adventure” button, which has a small image of beautiful mountains (which is actually the view from one of the company’s built projects).
After you click this Start the Adventure button, a new page will appear: the Start the Adventure page.
(see below):
This page has a preface that discusses the purpose of the form that appears on it. The purpose: for you to give information to the Architect so that the company can find your land, obtain an aerial view of it and quote you a modest fee to allow them to serve you by traveling to your land and then walking it with you.
The Start the Adventure form requests that you fill in the blanks for such things as whether or not you would like an Architect to walk your land with you, your name, date you would like to meet, your Email, your phone numbers and addresses, Google Earth digital coordinate of your land, nearest highway intersection, acreage size, and ample space for your comments.
There is more information on the Start the Adventure form. It mentions how you will be contacted by a firm representative usually within 24 hours. There is a list of the services and what you receive. In brief: the Architect will appear at your land and walk it with you, listen to you state your objectives, make notes, take digital photos, then leave and create a Preliminary Site Analysis Report, which will be Emailed to you as a PDF.
There are assumptions stated at the bottom of the form defining reasonable requirements. For instance: that the land to walked on physically will be reasonably level (although what is looked at may be quite steep), no climbing is involved, the weather will be reasonable, you will clear any areas of wilderness (underbrush) through which you expect the firm to walk, you provide any vehicular movement through and around your land (such as ATVs, if required), and related items.
This is an exciting time in a project! Time to make the decision to move forward by having an Architect walk your land with you and discuss your intentions for your property. This can be an eye-opening and inspirational event. Having a licensed Architect provide you with professional considerations helps you to judge the direction in which to advance your project. Many clients prefer this process, which starts with a client meeting on the client’s land.
Until the new website format is running, you may contact: 828 . 269 . 9046
1 Comment
mary palmer dargan
7:00 pm - December 26, 2013Rand, This is a wonderful website for intake. I love where you are heading…I am learning from it! Know that I KNOW how much work this is. But, it ail reap rewards.
It this a site theme that you designed? xxx mp Happy Holidays. We love our Mc Kee Props calendar, too!