Rustic Home Design
Satisfies Residential Design Requirements for Upscale Highlands NC Community.

Home Architects provided this rustic home design to a developer who wanted an entire community of Soellner-style residences. The neighborhood is Whiteside Cliffs. Many of the lots look up toward the majestic mountain of the same name, so it was important to the developer to have tall and wide glass areas to provide spectacular views of the huge cliff. The Falcon Cliff Lodge is the genesis house for this entire community’s 4 BR/4Ba/2Car Gar residences. Soellner created a series of elevations variations that made each house appear totally unique. The architect also provided another larger mansion rustic home design at the request of the owner.
Another rustic house design by Rand Soellner Architect. (C)Copyright 2004-2010 Rand Soellner, All Rights Reserved Worldwide.
Rustic home design.
Rustic home design is one of Rand Soellner’s specialties. His wife, Merry, who is an independent interior design consultant to the firm, calls it: “Rustic Elegance.” This version, the Moose Lodge was a favorite of Merry’s, due to the large timber arch feature framing the Front Porch entrance. Merry likes arches and other people like trusses and others like beams and still others like logs. Rand Soellner aims to please a variety of tastes and his custom mountain lodge series does that. “If clients don’t see exactly what they want from our existing designs, we’ll make what they want,” said Soellner, ” Rustic home design offers a nearly infinite variety of options.”
About half of architect’s clients ask for a house with rustic design elements.
Quite of few of Soellner’s clients request a rustic house design. Merry Soellner calls the “control knob” for the amount of rusticity the “Rustic Elegance.” For instance, some people want gnarly rough round log posts with Flintstone-like bifurcations. Not many, though. The rustic design features of a house do not necessarily need to be “over the top.”
Some clients want super-clean rectangular or square timber posts with sanded and polished surface with slick finishes. Not many, however. What most want is in between: either round or rectangular posts, generally smooth, often with a satin finish. The finish desired is typically smooth enough so that a dust cloth can easily wipe it down and not shred. Common sense. Men typically appreciate rougher finishes and larger beams and posts, but the ladies have the good common sense borne of how one will have to maintain them to request smoother surfaces. Usually, through the interactive politics involved in most husband-wife relationships, there is an acceptable compromise achieved, and the woman’s requested smoother surfaces generally win. The rustic house design of Rand Soellner will accommodate whatever amount of historic flavor or roughness or smoothness is desired by the client.
Some of Soellner’s creations are heavily influenced by the historic Arts and Crafts movement. Soellner’s approach normally includes more muscular posts and beams, however. Rand favors a more robust dimension of these key structural elements, as it gives more of a sense of strength and permanence to his designs.

Soellner is a custom home architect living in the Highlands, Cashiers, Lake Toxaway, Glenville and Sapphire communities. He designs houses for client sites all over the country and overseas. Please click on these words: mountain homes architect, if you might be looking for a house designer for steep, elevated topography. You may be interested to know that Soellner also designs residences for flat land in suburban neighborhoods as well.
Contact for rustic home design :
Rand Soellner Architect
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