Luxury can mean different things to different people in different places. To many of this firm’s clients, it means: certain features being of higher quality than normally found elsewhere. It might also imply a larger size, but this is not always the case.
A Focus on
Luxury Residential Architects
& the Unique Projects They Create
HOME ARCHITECTS ® is the world’s leading luxury residential architect .* Senior staff architect, Rand Soellner, ArCH, NCABR, used to design projects for one of Frank Lloyd Wright’s main apprentices (Nils Schweitzer, FAIA). Rand learned about View Systems, one of the most important aspects of Mr. Wright’s designs

and something that all luxury residential architects and designers should know. This has to do with planning luxury houses’ kinesthetic (or circulation) paths in the residence aligned with windows and other pleasant features so that when you walk around, you are looking outside at trees and views of other attractive features, or internally at paintings or other aesthetic viewpoints. This begins with understanding your site and the survey and how your residential floor plans integrate with the warp and woof of the environment around you. The art is in doing this efficiently and logically, something Soellner has been practicing for about 35 years.
And what is “luxury” anyway? The free online dictionary defines this as: “Sumptuous living or surroundings, something inessential but conducive to pleasure and comfort, something hard to obtain.” This architectural firm is in agreement except for the “hard to obtain” part. That’s the easy thing: just phone the company now at 1-828-269-9046. The firm will make it happen for you. Sumptuous living or surroundings: yes, that’s what this architectural firm creates for you. In the context of luxury residential design, luxury is also defined as framing spectacular views of your property for you to enjoy. Luxury also means having that large kitchen with the huge island you have been talking to your family about wanting for the last several years. Luxury means having a fireplace in your living area, master bedroom and master bathroom if you want that. Luxury means having a spacious residential foyer in which to receive guests if you are looking for that. Luxury also means having a wonderful Outdoor Living Room in which to sit, under cover and read your favorite book, sip your favorite drink and appreciate the inspiring views from your luxury residence.
Luxury Residential Architects
should have expertise that echoes your taste.

Look at the work of the luxury residential architects you are considering using, at least online. If something pleasant and exciting stirs within you; it will probably be a good match. Trust your instincts. Check their architectural license. To be called an architect, they have to be registered
in at least one state in the USA. Good residential architecture is simultaneously visceral, logical and functional. It must satisfy your programmatic requirements, do so efficiently and with reasonable economy and it is a given that it look great while doing that. High end house designers know this, but HOME ARCHITECTS ® believes that no matter what the budget, there are certain parameters that must be satisfied. Among these are function, beauty and efficiency. Luxury residential architects and designers work on their house plans to obtain that extra corner in your kitchen to make sure that you have those extra couple of inches in your pantry to store the soup cans, plates and brooms and that your dining room will accommodate the 10 people you requested rather than 8.
What are some luxury considerations?
1. you like stone, both inside and outside your house. The question is: how much? Your luxury residential architect can help you determine what makes sense for your budget.
2. interior wood. You like wood floors. The question is: what species and plank width? Heart pine 11″ wide planks can cost $11 to $14 per square foot. In contrast, prefinished 2-1/4″ wide oak can be had for $1 to $2/sf from remnant liquidators. In a 4,000 sf luxury residence, that could be a difference of over $50,000. Once again, your luxury residential architect can help you make decisions that work for what you want to spend.
3. amount of wood ceilings: this can add quite a lot to the cost of your house. It is a luxury feature that looks great. Your luxury residential architect will likely help you make decisions about where to get the most bang for your buck, like using wood ceilings in the main public spaces: kitchen, living, dining, and in the Master Suite. You may consider making the wood ceilings in guest bedrooms an option.
4. appliances: Wolf/Sub-Zero or GE or KitchenAid? The difference can be in tens of thousands of dollars.
Luxury residential architects care what your house looks like.
Visual organization is no small part of what luxury residential architects design. There is a special focus at main front entrances and other features that front the World; this is your residential client’s face to everyone else; it needs to be special. HOME ARCHITECTS ® award-wining designs make sure this happens.

HOME ARCHITECTS ® enjoy bold rustic features like muscular log “arms” to flank fireplaces and support massive mantels, like this 12″x12″ willow, cut right from the forest. (C) Copyright 2005-2012 Home Architect, PLLC, All Rights Reserved Worldwide.
Luxury residential architects think about what you want.
Luxury residential architects need to consider your functional and aesthetic preferences. It is your job to select the design company that most appeals to you. If you like delicate French provincial, don’t pick a robust mountain architect from America. On the other hand, if you truly enjoy big beams, lots of texture, huge native rock fireplaces roaring with warmth on a cold winter’s night, giant doors and windows oriented to spectacular views of nature, then perhaps the luxury residential architects of HOME ARCHITECTS ® may be what you want.
Luxury residential architecture is something that will not happen unless people like you enable it to be created by professionals like the firm discussed on this page. If you have been searching on the Internet for your ideal house and become frustrated because you cannot find that exact floor plan and elevations (or “look”) that rings your chimes, then you need a luxury residential architect. Why? Because you are unique. You have special needs functionally as well as aesthetically. You want something that does not exist yet, until you help bring it about. Okay. Engage a pro to design that luxury residential project just for you. You will get what you want and need when you commission a highly experience architect to design it for you.
Contact for luxury residential architects:
Give the luxury residential architects at HOME ARCHITECTS ® a call at 828-269-9046 or e-mail : Website:
(* per Google organic searches 2004-2009).