Share Your Dreams

This questionnaire exists to help you share your thoughts about what you would like in your dream house with the HOME ARCHITECTS ®. Please click to the left of your choices for the multiple choice items. You can also skip this form if you wish and simply tell us what your dreams are, which is your choice.

    Your Contact Information

    Do you plan on having a home designed for you? YesNo

    General Home Preferences



    Car Parking (covered)

    Size of Home

    HSF - Heated Square Feet:


    I like long range layered mountain views best.I like lakefront views best.I like large, near mountain views.I like mid-range mountain views.I want a combination of mountains and lake views.I want a mountain waterfall.

    Site Information

    Please enter the digital longitude and latitude for your property

    Is there a Neighborhood ARC (Architectural Review Committee)? YesNo

    Do you have a copy of the ARC guidelines? YesNo

    Rand Soellner Architect

    How did you find us?


    We are a married couple.I am single.We'll have children.We'll have grandkids.We want our grown kids and grandkids to be able to visit us.Significant other relationship.

    Type of Home

    Mountain Home (that's what we do).Castle Home (we do this, too).Island Home (we're probably not the right company for you, but will give it a try)Very contemporary, ultra-modern home (probably not us)Timeless quality (hard to tell when it was built) (that's us).Specific historic period home (probably not us, unless its Caftsman Style with more muscle).


    Very accurate historically correct home with lots of intricacy and lacy details (you need someone else).Muscular details using large timbers and rocks (that's us).Small, gentle details using very small beams and little posts (probably not us).All-glass roofs (probably not us).Slate roofs or slate-look roofs (us).Cedar roof shingles (we do that, too).Economy roof shingles (we actually do this and have a good choice, believe it or not).


    I like rough finishes.I like in-between satin-like finishes I can easily clean.I like very glossy, slick and shiny surfaces.I don't care; whatever works.

    (note: there are no right answers here; we do'em all).


    $/HSF (Heated Square Feet):

    Do you know how much nice mountain homes cost to build in the area of your project? YesNo

    if so, please select one:

    Are you aware that the features of nice mountain homes often cost significantly more than conventional homes? YesNo


    Do you have any hobbies or special sports/crafts that could affect the design of your home? YesNo

    If yes, please explain:

    Architects/Design Firms

    Have you ever had an architect design a home or other facility for you before? YesNo

    Have you ever had a non-architect design a home or other facility for you before? YesNo

    I agree that by submitting this form, I will be contacted by Rand.

    The above form allows you, as a prospective client, to share with us, your ideas and preferences for your future residential design project. We have tried to make this easy and fun to do. After filling out your contact information, typically all you need to do is click on the number of bedrooms, bathrooms, car parking spaces that you want, the square footage of your proposed house, what kind of views you like (and which your proposed land has), and other features.

    The idea is that when we contact you, usually by phone or e-mail, that we will have a better concept of what you want for your proposed house. You may not know the answer to some of the items. Simply ignore those; that is just fine with us. We’ll get around to those items later, as we begin to become involved with your project.

    Your Latitude and Longitude are very important, especially if you do not have a 911 emergency services address for your property. It is a big old world out there and we really need to know where your land is so that we can “fly” around it on our software, that allows us to see the entire World in 3D. If you have ever traveled to your land and have a GPS navigation system in your vehicle, find the menu item that reads: WHERE AM I? Push it. Write down the numbers you see there on the screen. Those are the latitude and longitude. Please make sure to note whether the digits are all in degrees and decimals of degrees (the easiest way to do this), or if the reading is in degrees, minutes and seconds. This will help us find your land and examine its views, which you may not be able to clearly see, due to trees and other vegetation blocking such views. We have discovered wonderful views for clients who were not aware of them due to our examination of their sites on our computers using this software. So, by providing us this sort of information, it allows us to better assist you in determining improved characteristics of your proposed house design.

    Please let us know if you need any help with this form or if you have any questions whatsoever:
    Rand Soellner of Home Architects ®: or 1-828-269-9046. Thank you, and we hope you enjoy our website.

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