Decreasing residential construction risk with good house design is about how soon-to-be house owners can lower or eliminate many of the risks of residential construction by engaging a real Architect to design their project.
Interior Renovations to Older House Look New: is about how this architectural firm programmed, planned, designed, documented and managed improvements to an aging house to make it vital, interesting and functional to its new owners.
Grand Architectural Multiverse Concept (GrAMcon) is about the inspired idea an Architect had about the structure of our Universe and on a grander scale, multiple unified universes linking the whole of creation, everywhere and everywhen.
Technical & Artistic = Architecture is about the combination of skills and expertise it takes to become and practice as an Architect. Thomas Edison: “Genius is 1% inspiration, 99% perspiration.” And while Mr. Edison was not an Architect, he was a very accomplished inventor. And Architecture = inventing. In other words, dedicated creative people who […]
Electrical Problems in Houses & How to Avoid Them, is about what it indicates: how to avoid electrical problems in houses. This pertains typically to TVs, computers, printers, monitors, washers & dryers and similar gear.
5 Reasons An Architect Should Design Your House: is about the reasons why an Architect should design your next residence. Here are 5 reasons (there actually are many more).
Recycling Used Oil is not your typical architectural design online article. This has to do with how and where you deal with used engine oil and keeping our environment clean.