Kitchen renovations seem to be popular these days. HOME ARCHITECTS ® are doing several kitchen designs. Of course, all of their new residential projects feature functional and outstanding design features for kitchens and the rest of the house as well. […]
Design & Construction Summary Pathfinder for Clients provides an online article about the process clients follow to obtain their residential design and how that leads through construction of their project.
Basement Wall Waterproofing is about how to properly design, detail and specify the waterproofing of underground basement walls, written by an experienced residential architect.
Housing Economy Upturn 2012 is about the apparent improving residential market trend in the USA from the perspective of a leading residential architect.
Windows and Minimum Code: is about a residential architect pointing out the today's code does Not adequately protect homeowner's houses from leaking windows...but they could.
Soellner Writing Book About Design & Construction: is about an experienced home architect creating a book to guide people through the process of budgeting, planning, designing and the construction of their homes.
Spring, Pollen & Clean Air in Your House is an online article by a residential architect, explaining how newer HVAC systems can better filter the air in your house.
Our New E-Magazine on House Design is about the HOME ARCHITECTS latest online venture: their electronic magazine, linked to popular articles on their website.
Get the House Design You Want: deals with a popular subject: how to get the dream house you want and deserve through the design of a residential architect.
Accessible Housing Design is about one of the leading house architects designing features for their clients to allow them to continue to live in their houses for all of their lives.
Loving 1410 Heated Square Feet is about a house design by one of the World's leading residential architects, for clients soon to be building in the SE USA, although the company designs ALL over the World.