Architect Lawyer Doctor Engineer CPA (ALDEC): what do all of these have in common? Right: they are all professional occupations that are licensed by State governments. And monitored by their applicable boards, for professional performance and integrity.

And there is an interesting aspect about licensed professionals: they must adhere to legally required standards of practice and ethical conduct. Unlicensed people are not “professionals”. Even though they might claim to be; they are not. Real professionals have a license to practice their occupations: ALDEC: Architect Lawyer Doctor Engineer CPA. The acronym ALDEC makes them all easier to remember. These are some of the most memorable licensed professional occupations.

And real professionals typically attended major universities for 5 to 8 years (Rand Soellner, Senior Staff Architect of HOME ARCHITECT ® attended for 8 years), and earn bachelor and master degrees in Architecture (Soellner earned his M.A. Architecture from the University of Florida). And real licensed professionals typically must serve internships (Doctors, Lawyers, Engineers & Architects do), often for several years. Then there is a grueling multiple day professional exam (Soellner remember this as a 3 to 4-day extravaganza. Then there are often more years of apprenticeship, applying for and being awarded your professional license by a state. Then there are required CEUs (Continuing Education Units) every year to keep you abreast of the latest in technology and practice (usually 12 CEUs per year), for each state and professional organization in which the professional Architect is licensed. Doesn’t sound very easy, does it? It’s not. It is meant to be hard and demanding, because these professions typically involve the HSW: Health, Safety & Welfare of the public. And that is something to be taken very seriously.

So when you are getting ready to have your next dream house designed, think about this: do you want it designed by a licensed professional? A professional, real Architect can design your house to properly and capably handle the following:
Does your house have to resist strong winds? Yes.
Does your pocketbook burn with every check you write for your energy consumption (hint: Architects design much more efficient houses)? Yes.
Do you want your family safe and sound in your new house? Yes.
Do you want your house to have healthy materials specified and used in it so that you and your family can breathe a healthy atmosphere? Yes.
Have you spent a lot of money on your dream land? Yes.
Do you want a special house designed that will take advantage of the great views? Yes.
Do you want your dream house to look amazing? Yes.
Do you want your lifestyle incorporated into the design of the house? Yes.
Are you exactly like anyone else anyone or are you unique? Yes: unique.
Do you feel like you know how to manage the services of (and to prepare the Scopes of Work for) a Surveyor, Geotechnical (Structural Soils Scientist) Engineer, Structural Engineer, and General Contractor? No.
Do you have the time to take off of your work for about a year and a half to manage the design and construction of your dream house? No.
And there are scores of other questions and your answers that should lead you to realize that anything less than a true professional: a licensed Architect, will be challenged to provide services that are truly professional in quality and scope.
If you need a professional to design your next house project, perhaps your forever dream house, contact: 828-269-9046.
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