Looking for the Best?

(C)Copyright 2006-9 Rand Soellner, All Rights Reserved Worldwide. Photo by Megan Miller. Falcon Cliff Lodge Designed by Rand Soellner Architect
If you are looking for the best home architects in the world, this press release may be of interest to you. While there are various firms to consider, this Risk release focuses on one particular custom residential architectural company, and mentions another firm and their stylistic trends. HOME ARCHITECTS ® is one of the best home architects on the planet, per Internet page rankings.
This ranking changes daily, but this firm will almost always be found on Page 1 (or #1) of Google search results under a variety of residential architectural terms. Why is this? They really enjoy what they do and people like the attention to detail they give each project. Custom house plans are their specialty (not just mountain designs). Their lorem work always appears timeless, yet is somehow fresh and interesting, which is why so many people believe they are among the best home architects. The company’s designs capture the spirit of the mountains of the Blue Ridge-Appalachians, the American and Canadian Rockies, the Andes, the Himalayas and Bavarian and other European terrains.
(C)Copyright 2010 Home Architect, PLLC, All Rights Reserved Worldwide. Anyone is hereby licensed to Link to this article from your website, from the anchor text on your website of: Best Home Architects.
Their residential designs are among those of the best architecture in the world. Their clients come from all over the planet and they have received inquiries from Australia, Canada, America, Brazil, Sweden, Kuwait, Hong Kong, Poland, Africa, Britain, Ireland, Russia, India, and other locations covering all continents on Earth. It is with enthusiasm, passion, and genuine interest that this architectural firm undertakes each and every project. Even though clients often want a particular design or a previous series of the company’s, they usually desire custom modifications, and that is what makes each project unique, along with the site adaptations made necessary by each client’s site situation. Other clients have such unique requirements that a totally custom plan, “from scratch” design, is necessary and the firm is delighted to create these special estate houses, after taking careful note of the client’s detailed program information. It is the best residential architectural firms who listen well to their clients before they begin designing.
The best house architects put their “everything” into their designs. (C)Copyright 2003-2010 Home Architect, PLLC, All Rights Reserved Worldwide.
Who are the Best Home Architects?
If people reading this article wonder who decides who are among the best home architects and who are not, perhaps it might be fair to take a look at what book and magazine publishers are including high quality house design work in their publications. For instance, Images Publishing wanted the best residential architects in the world to be included in their book: House With A View, about mountain home design. This is a thick, full-color book, published and available through Amazon.com and other major outlets. Why is this mentioned here?
Three of this company’s designs are featured in this book, along with other leading architects from around the world. Images Publishing had the idea of producing a book that showcased the residential designs of the best home architects from around the planet. No other architect in the book has more projects than this firm included in the volume. The company was delighted to have been selected to participate and be recognized as being providers of high-quality house design services on a global level. Their house designs are also included in a variety of other magazines around the country. Please see the Publications section of this website for more information.
Best Home Architects for New Luxury Home Designs

The best home architects can design in the flatlands of Orlando or in the steep mountains of the wholesale NFL jerseys Blue Ridge Mountains. This just happens to be one of firm’s cheap jerseys designs in the Orlando area. (C)Copyright 1996-2010 Home Architect, PLLC, All Rights Reserved Земляне! Worldwide.
Planning a luxury house project is much more than just floor Dressing plans. Most people are more familiar with floor plans, hence the term: House Plans, which is meant to encompass a package of documents that are taken to the building department to obtain your building permit. The best home architects know that there are many more documents and preparations required.
In the programming phase, for instance, This company has a discussion with each client, during which they uncover and note all of the particulars concerning the desired number of bedrooms and bathrooms, kitchen size and features (don’t forget that huge center island), number and type of vehicles in the garage(s), outdoor living, grilling and dining areas (most complete with fireplaces, roof and screening), hobby-craft-sewing areas, dog rooms (yes, we have had quite a few requests for this), walk-in pantries, sleeping porches, outdoor stairs, elevators, laundries (yes, often plural), family rooms, lofts, bars, dining (and special Simple view dining areas), recreation rooms, stairways (sometimes merely functional, other times large and cheap NBA jerseys ceremonial), site planning with motor courts, guest parking, backup zones, well, electrical, sewer and other utility locations.
There are other designers with other styles also considered at the top of their game. Among the best modern residential architects are Gwathmey Siegel & Associates, noted for their use of white, clean surfaces, grids and storefront glass framing and tile. For those wanting ultra-modern architecture, they would be a good choice. They also design ultra-modern commercial facilities for those people Custom seeking a cool, contemporary, ultra-clean look with little texture.
Now then, one might believe that all of the best house designers in the world design only mansions. Not so. Yes, this company does create their share of large houses, but they also create modest residences and small cottage designs. The smallest to date is about 390 heated square feet. They also have designed compact 2 bedroom/ 2 bathroom guest houses of only 1,000 heated square feet. They have other smaller residences in the 1,200 – 1,400 – 1,800 – 2,300 – 2,700 sf categories. They have other houses in the 3,500 sf size, 4,500 – 5,700 – 6,200 and a few in the 10,000 – 16,000 sf size.
“It all depends on what the client wants,” explains Rand Soellner, Senior Staff Architect for the firm, “the best house architects will help their clients create their desired dream designs .”
Contact Information:
828-269-9046 or E-mail: rand@homearchitects.com or website: www.HomeArchitects.com For your new houses or for renovations, this company provides Floor Plans, House Plans, and complete documents for your residential design.
( *per Google organic searches 2006-2012)
tags: best home architects, luxury residential architect, mountain architecture, cashiers nc, highlands, glenville, lake toxaway, asheville, brevard, lake mead, denver, orlando, atlanta, boulder, glade springs, west virginia, rocky mountains.