Construction Fixed Price vrs Cost Plus is about this Architectural firm's perceptions of Contractor Construction contracts and how one is probably much better for you than the other.
3 Big Steps to Your New House with No Loan is how this Architectural firm is doing this very process right now: getting a new house and with no loan required.
Better Documents Equals Lower Construction Cost is about how this Architect prepares detailed Construction Documents that results in lower prices for construction projects.
Sometimes You Don’t want to Build is about the honesty an Architect must default to when discussing potential projects with possible Clients. What are we talking about? How about this: we got a call a few days ago from some nice Ms. Something or Other from east South Carolina. Here’s sort of how the conversation […]
Art + Technology = Architecture is about how this Architect of custom mountain houses combines award-winning design capabilities with expert technical knowledge to craft outstanding projects. In the above example. The ART is fairly obvious: the interesting color scheme, the dramatic […]
Intro Preliminary Services is about this Architect providing their Clients a choice of low cost, no commitment initial services before the main project begins, so that people are better informed about the options available for their project on their land, and the main spaces desired for their homes and other improvements. The link to this […]
Contact your State legislators NOW (before 12/14/2017) and ask them to vote NO to any legislation that removes Net Neutrality and Yes to legislation that keeps it in place. This can help you identify and send an email to all of your elected officials: click image below: Send emails to your state legislators NOW to […]
5 Reasons for the Architectural Process is about why Architects have a defined method to how they begin, program, design, develop, document and manage a project. There are reasons to what they do, how they do it and the sequence.