A properly designed community can make a huge difference in people’s perception of their neighborhood environment. Having a cohesive theme can pull it together. Our company establishes an architectural theme and then creates community standards to help designers and other professionals coordinate with imagery appropriate to the neighborhood. Our company also plans the layout of the community (community planning). The neighborhood theming establishes a richness, value and aesthetic appreciation that might otherwise be missing. We call these services community planning and neighborhood theming.
Neighborhood Theming, Community Planning
Community Standards & Architectural Review Board Services
Rand Soellner is the Architect of Record on about half of Jurassic Park for Universal Studios in Orlando, Florida, as well as the designer of multiple award-winning house designs, including energy conservation awards from major power companies for energy-sipping residential designs (such as from Florida Power Corporation), design awards from the American Institute of Architects and magazine and book articles featuring his architecture worldwide. This world-class creative work along with scores of houses and community planning and neighborhood theming give Rand Soellner the specialized background that you as a developer or homeowner want and need for your unique suburban, country, lakeside, forest, or mountain dream house or community.
Home Architects ® also routinely themes houses and community facilities in neighborhoods to have a unique mountain flavor like these:
- Adirondack
- Arts & Crafts
- Craftsman
- Mountain Lodge style, which is Rand’s own unique theme that he has evolved over the years, to incorporate “what people coming to the mountains expect.”
The purpose in having a distinct theme gives cohesiveness to a neighborhood and helps developers obtain better sales price and faster sales than generic communities.
The company has surveyed hundreds of people coming to the mountains over the years, along with countless realtors and appraisers in this special environment. The results of this information gathering has resulted in the firm’s tightly focused neighborhood theming styles that PEOPLE WANT TO BUY AND PAY TOP DOLLAR FOR. Rather than simply creating themes than are personal whims, our company uses and creates themes that are what people want. Isn’t that what you as a developer want and need?
Community Standards Architect
Soellner writes Design & Construction Standards for communities. These standards insure that the quality community you had in mind when acquiring the parcel will live on in the built neighborhood. Soellner addresses Architectural, Landscape, Drainage, Site Planning and other issues, along with Construction practices, including forms to be filed with your ARC (Architectural Review Committee) by the homeowners and builders.
Architectural Review Board Services
Rand Soellner sits on multiple Architectural Review Committees (ARC). In this capacity, the bulk of the review, analysis and decisions and communications with your land and residential owners goes through Rand Soellner Architect. The advantages of this are:

No one else in your community, including you, as the developer, become the “bad guy,” insisting that the Design and Construction Guidelines be followed. Our company will handle that for you.
Your applicants are receiving the review of a licensed architect, which helps create professional results.
Your Design and Construction Guidelines are enforced, with a friendly, personable attitude.
We offer an hourly “redline” service to your owners, in which we can markup their drawings to result in the improvements necessary to turn their schemes into an acceptable residence for your community.
Our rates are hourly, which typically yields a cost-effective service.
We have a national reputation as residential architects. If anyone asks you why we are doing what we are doing for your neighborhood, you can say: “Rand Soellner Architect is one of the top companies doing this, and leading mountain architects in the world. They are uniquely qualified to perform these services to help our community be the best it can be, which helps the property values of everyone in the neighborhood.” Community planning is one of these key services.
Architects need to have a leading role in the design of neighborhood theming and community planning. We are among the few specialized professionals that have the skills necessary to create the unique places we refer to as “the Mountains,” and other special communities, when people think of places to stay, live and recreate in these beautiful regions. Houses designed in conventional neighborhoods do not have the same flair as those created by luxury residential architects and Mountain Architects who live, work and daily create unique houses and other neighborhood themed facilities for styled neighborhoods and themed locations. A custom residential architect is best- suited to design special and mountain: residences, neighborhood entry features, clubhouses, pavilions, equestrian stables & associated areas, exercise facilities, outdoor spaces, multi-family and condominium structures, boathouses and other features. Community planning is a natural extension of these services.
This article is useful for those seeking:
Community planning
Neighborhood theming
Mountain Themed Designers
Mountain Themed Communities
Home Architects has had numerous requests from potential clients from all over the world asking: “Do you design projects here?” Yes is the answer and to further explain, we thought we would list quite a few locations through the USA and also internationally, to illustrate the point that yes, we do and will design projects anywhere you them to be located. Our short answer to your Where question is Yes!
The Architect is & provides: Cottage Family Estate Architecture, Green Analysis, and Luxury Residential Design. He founded the Healthy Home Design program. He also creates Small Houses, and mid-size and larger Custom Single Family Residences.
Also we perform these roles: Post and Beam Designers, and Stone Castle Planners. We are also create mansions, and provide Energy Star Analysis. We also design Log Houses and Family Village Estates. We have specialties in the design of Timber Frame and Post and Beam structures.
We are happy to design your house and theme and plan your neighborhood and communities wherever they are located.
tags: cashiers, atlanta, aspen, telluride, las vegas, hollywood, orlando, cashiers, chicago, illinois, new york, paris, des moines .
Resources and Links:
mountain home architects
home architects