Your Custom Log Home. How Does it Come About?

Your custom log home does not just happen. Someone has to design it. Who do you want designing yours? Why not get the best skill doing this that you can? Rand Soellner architects are custom log house designers highly skilled in designing this special type of house.
Rand Soellner’s custom log home designs have been featured in books and magazines throughout the United States and worldwide. Why not get the best custom log house architect you can find; the one whose designs echo in your heart and soul.
Custom log home architects have special experience.
Custom log home architecture is a highly specialized field of endeavor. It requires a great deal of skill and experience. Rand Soellner has been designing custom houses since he was a teenager, while he helped his father and grandfather build residences. He is in his 50’s now, so he has amassed a tremendous amount of knowledge. This is why he prefers to design your custom log house himself. He doesn’t have draftsmen. He enjoys doing it himself and doing it right the first time. He used to also design large, world-class theme park facilities that used large logs in the structure. For instance, Rand Soellner AIA, was the architect of record on about half of Jurassic Park in Orlando Florida, for Universal Studios. If you’ve ever been there, you can document the huge posts and beams and trusses that hold up many of the buildings there. This is a custom log house architect with an added “+” ingredient that can handle anything your heart may desire. He has the track record and documented experience to do it.
Custom log home design: it’s all about the logs.
You may well ask: “That’s interesting, but what has major theme park architectural design work have to do with my custom log house?” Well, they all have to do with logs. Soellner has probably solved more architectural conditions having to do with logs than almost any other architect on the planet. He writes articles for custom log residential magazines, and has his designs featured in books and magazines across America and worldwide. He has been approached by several major log house fabrication companies to be their custom architect for special clients needing that type of service. Custom house design has a way of getting very involved with technical and aesthetic circumstances that need the focused attention and skills of highly competent log home architects. Rand Soellner can handle that.
If you will kindly review this website, you will see many webpages devoted to log information for design and construction, illustrating just a portion of the knowledge provided by Rand Soellner Architect for you and your project. There are pages about treatments and coatings for log structures, special precautions necessary, special details that will add to your enjoyments of them, aesthetic issues, cost implications for custom log residences and more.
The Rand Soellner Architect website is one of the largest and most informative websites on Earth relating to the design of houses and the various materials, systems and items that go into their design and construction and maintenance. For instance, check out the large Green section of this website for information about Indoor Air Quality in houses, safer materials to use, and much about energy efficiency. There are also sections devoted to timber frame custom design, post and beam house designs, castles, and some of the history about these subjects. Please enjoy your visit and let Rand Soellner know if he can be of assistance to you and your family by designing your custom residence.
The Soellner firm has been contacted by developers in Jordan, by resort financiers in Ecuador, and by people seeking to retire in a nice custom house of this type. Every client receives the same courtesy and respect. The Soellner firm appreciates your business and looks forward to helping you with your special log residential project.
Rand Soellner is willing to create custom log home designs just for you, your family and your acreage, wherever that may be in the USA or world.
Contact for custom log home design:
Rand Soellner Architect
tags: custom log home, rocky mountain architects, cashiers nc architect, highlands architect, lake toxaway, Lake Mead, Colorado residential design, Asheville, Brevard, Hendersonville, Seneca, Greenville, Etowah, Rosman, Atlanta, seneca, nashville, greenwich, park city, la jolla, burbank, charlotte.
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