Garage Architect improves technology of parking and security and door operation.
Our home architects accomplish this in ways that are concealed and subtle, ensuring that our trademark “Timeless Mountain Aesthetics” are preserved. For instance, as a garage architect, we now specify the Laser Guided Parking Assist in our garages as an owner-optional upgrade. Sounds like Star Trek, doesn’t it? It is really rather simple as well as economical. Each device retails from the manufacturer for about $24. As a garage architect, we keep up to date on the latest features involved in what amounts to your personal entrance to your home.

An adjustable laser light is installed over your ideal car parking position in your garage, in the front third area, with a laser clear line-of-sight to your dashboard. When you press your door control from your vehicle as you approach your garage from outside, the laser activates. As you enter your garage and approach the far wall in front of you, the laser will, at some point, run harmlessly over your hood and onto your dashboard, until it contacts a pre-determined point that you can easily see from your driver’s position and recognize as the perfect location for your vehicle in a parked position in your garage. In about 60 seconds, the laser turns off. Much nicer that the old dangling tennis balls or magic marker lines on the wall, huh? Pretty nifty, if we say so ourselves. It takes a real garage architect to understand luxury residential architecture at this level, even in your garage.
(C)Copyright 2009-2010 Rand Soellner, All Rights Reserved Worldwide. Anyone may link to this webpage from your website with your anchor text of: garage architects.
Garage Architect adds detail to standard garage doors turning them into something special.
Rand Soellner focuses attention on nearly every aspect of a fine home, constantly asking ourselves: “How can we make it even better?” Our clients want the best; that’s why they hire us to design their homes. So, not being content with a better way to park your car, we looked at other features of this process as well. Are we a garage architect? Yes. Are we also fine luxury residential architects? Yes. The reason we have created this one page focused on our role as a garage architect, is that is gives us the opportunity to shine a light on this important aspect of your custom house: your entry. After all, this is really Your front door; the place through which you must travel in your vehicle to enter your home. It seemed worthy of a little attention, and so that we could share with you what we have been doing in this regard. Some of our peers asked what are doing, publishing such a thing as garage architecture on our website. We actually feel quite the opposite. Nothing is beneath our attention, when it comes to luxury residential design. We want everything to function as well as it possibly can. Heck, we may even do another webpage on driveways or utility courts, or crawlspaces or front porches! Why not? Every aspect of a home should be thoroughly understood and properly designed. For instance, in bygone centuries, many architects didn’t spend much time on the kitchen designs for their client homes, because this was a place where servants were deemed to work. Well, hasn’t that changed now days? Kitchen are the heart of the home. We certainly devote a lot of time and attention to making these wonderful social hubs and functional epicurian places. But that’s a subject for another webpage. Back to the garage architect and what he does for you…
Garage architect plans for a better garage door opener.
Continuing in our role as a garage architect: How about A Better Garage Door Opener. Have you ever driven up to your home on a cold, rainy night and pushed your garage door opener to find that nothing happened and your power was out? What an unpleasant situation. Do you have your spare keys to your home’s front door? What to do? Well, we now specify, as an owner optional upgrade, a ¾ horsepower garage door opener with a standby emergency power supply. It is also a new breed of belt-drive openers for smoother, quieter operation. What a relief! Your garage doors will always open now, regardless of what has happened to your home’s power source. A garage architect should pay attention to such details. Notice that we offer the upgrade to a ¾ HP motor, recognizing that garage doors to fine homes are often heavier, with nicely finished wood species like mahogany, with applied accent trims, which makes them harder to open with conventional door openers.
We also specify electronic door access code openers, as a garage architect. These devices change the code every time they are used, which thwarts criminals trying to gain access to your home, because, even if they have successfully recorded your electronic signals opening your door, the signal has changed! Also, as a garage architect, we offer state of the art (and remarkably economical) fingerprint I.D. entry devices for your garage doors, so that no one having a series of combination numbers can get access into your home. If their fingerprints don’t match those that you have recorded into the device, they can’t operate the door from that device. Please give us a call to see how we can begin designing your dream home with garage architect features like this and many more, in our capacity as fine luxury residential designers.
You may find it of interest to know that Rand Soellner was part of design and construction document architectural teams for several commercial large parking garages as well as for residential projects. This well-rounded experience gives Soellner a tremendous amount of knowledge regarding garages for vehicles of any size and type.
In addition to being a garage architect, the Rand Soellner firm is a custom home architect. Soellner creates designs for clients across the continent and world, wherever your project may be located. We are also often referred to as a mountain homes architect, although we design houses for a variety of people in a variety of locations. For instance, our services are available to design your home, even if your project site is in South Bend Indiana, Bend Oregon, San Antonio Texas, Asheville North Carolina, Atlanta Georgia, Macon Georgia, Orlando Florida, Jacksonville Florida, Taos New Mexico, Vancouver British Colombia Canada, Calgary Alberta Canada, Lake Mead Nevada, Lake Lure North Carolina, Lake Norman NC, Charlotte North Carolina, Greenville South Carolina, Savannah Georgia, New York New York, Oak Park Chicago llinios, and just about anywhere in the USA and the world.
Contact for garage architect:
Rand Soellner