HOME ARCHITECTS ® is one of the few global luxury residential architects in existence today. Not many residential architectural design firms have the experience, the abilities or the desire to create residential designs across the vast expanse of our planet.

Our planet is about 24,902 miles in circumference at the equator. This is the most important dimension, as we humans navigate around this measurement, generally over the surface features or in the air, to get from one place to another.
Residential Architects Creating Luxury in a Global Context.
This firm’s senior staff architect, Rand Soellner, ArCH, AIA, NCARB, previously spent about 2 months designing a large project in Kuwait City, on the Arabian Gulf. The flight, with a stopover in London, takes about 27 continuous hours. However, here is something that may take some thinking to understand: if you do not want to pay your residential architect to travel to your location, you do not have to do this. This global luxury residential architecture firm has the entire planet in 3D imagery on their computers. This means, that while you are on a phone call with this firm, you and your residential architect can both be looking at your site topography and views in all directions, and even take a virtual helicopter ride around your site, investigating the lay of the land. Of course, if you want to have a firm member travel to your site, they would be happy to do so and they prefer this option whenever clients choose this method.
Digital 360 degree photography and digital videos can also supplement the designer’s information, and furthermore, acts as an archival reference on the computers of this company, for reference, at any time during the creation of the project documents and during construction. There are many advantages for digital imagery. Understanding the above global implications of this company’s practice, it is probably easy to realize that if you happen to have your proposed house’s property anywhere in the United States, for instance, that senior staff architect, Soellner will be able to serve your house design needs even more easily. Since Soellner has traveled throughout Europe and designed work abroad, while on foreign soil, halfway around the planet, designing houses in North America is even more convenient.
So, if your land happens to be in New York, California, Washington, Denver, Colorado, Las Vegas, Atlanta, Georgia, Idaho, or Florida, this will be much more accessible than going overseas. Furthermore, if your land is in South Bend, Ann Arbor, or other USA locations, then this will be no problem for this firm to create a residential design for you and your land. If your property happens to be in Paris, France, Sicily, Spain, Italy, Abu Dhabi, Bahrain, Germany, Norway, Switzerland, China or Russia, that works for the firm as well. The firm has received phone calls and e-mails from many clients as nearby to their home office as 100 to 200 miles. These inquiries typically indicate that they really like the company’s designs and they were wondering if they would be able to create their house plans for their site only one state away.
The company’s answer is always: Yes! The firm was established with the purpose of being national and global luxury residential architects. This architectural company has focused on quality residential design. This experience spans the USA and there is a great deal of depth to the various specialty areas necessary to allow this house designer to create stone castles, timber frame structures and post and beam systems, suburban houses, mountain and lake residences anywhere on the Earth.
So please do not be shy. Give the company a call: 1-828-269-9046.