The Green Home Architect on Twitter and Green Design
Green Home Architect : Every day Rand Soellner posts a “tweet” on as green home architects.
His user name on Twitter for this is: GreenHomeArch. This stands for green home architects or green home architect.

His company’s daily Twitter Tweet title is: Green Home Architects GREENTIPS. If you sign into Twitter with your own account and then go to the search box on the right side of the page and type in our UserName of: GreenHomeArch, or Green Home Architects, you will probably see about the last 10 GREENTIPS posted by Rand Soellner, and there have been dozens, with hundreds more in development. He also is called the green home architects. You may also see dozens of “Retweets” of these posts, and Home Architects posts, as his tweets about energy efficiency and house design are becoming more and more popular.
Twitter Statistics as of 2/20/2009:
97 out of 100 grade.
Rank: 198,188 out of 5,682,553.
Followers: 923 and increasing each day.
Mr. Soellner is doing this for a few reasons:
1. It’s fun.
2. He happens to have been involved in environmentalism, energy efficiency and healthy house design for a long time, dating back to the 1970s, so he knows a few things about these subjects. As a green home architect, it’s good to know that this experience has roots.
3. He believes that perhaps residential owners and other designers throughout the USA and World might see these daily posts, that contain simple daily ideas of how to save energy, have a healthier house constructed and maintained, and to have a lower impact on the environment of the planet with greener residential construction techniques. Green architect Soellner believes in sustainability.
4. Rand Soellner has, as one specialty, Green Design. A green architect understands the various techniques involved with saving energy.
So, if you are interested in greenness, environmentalism, global warming, energy conservation, green materials and construction systems, you might want to consider logging onto and looking for GREENTIPS by Green Home Architects (and also other interesting tweets by HomeArchitects) each day.
As a matter of interest, Rand Soellner Architect is an Energy Star certified architectural design firm, something that not all house design firms can become. This is because the DOE/EPA (Department of Energy/Environmental Protection Agency), who administers the Energy Star program requires that firms who wish to become Energy Star certified, also must design commercial facilities. It so happens that Rand Soellner does. Mr. Soellner was the site selection architect, programming architect, master planner and concept design architect for the new Florida Solar Energy Center in the 1980s. Soellner also has also administered, managed or directly designed over 3 billion dollars worth of construction over the last 40 years. Much of this was commercial and much was and continues to be residential in nature. Now that’s a green architect if we ever heard of one.
So watch for the Green Home Architects and Home Architects on Twitter and of course, right here at Rand Soellner Architect.
As a side note, when we started out with our first Twitter account, we thought that it might be a real waste of time. Other times, we see some positive reaction to some suggestion we have made regarding energy conservation or recycling or other green promotional concept and we believe that perhaps we are making a difference. So, for now, we will continue to participate. Hearing from people like you helps us believe that it is worthwhile.
Just the other day, we received an e-mail from someone in Florida who used our Green Gauge for the first time and he was delighted with it. He was using our Free tool, our Green Gauge, to model the “greenness” of the various systems and materials of his proposed residence design. That was nice to hear. We actually gave him some counsel about the type of construction site he might wish to consider.
Twitter seems to function mainly as a broadcasting or announcement platform, sort of like an electronic bulletin board. Some folks claim it is for communicating and having dialog, but we have not seen much evidence of that. For posting announcements; it appears to the king of social media for now. Facebook and Linked-In have similar functions, but appear to be more “friend” oriented, establishing a social network. Both approaches seem to have some validity, although only time will tell. So far, we have not seen much in the way of interaction, but we hope that in time, this develops. Right now, Twitter has been likened to a giant cocktail party where everyone is shouting at the top of their lungs and no one is really listening to anyone else. That feels about right. We do hope that it softens and becomes more of a 2-way communication system as time goes on.
In the meanwhile, we hope everyone who has an interest in such things, enjoys our “tweets.”
media tags: green home architect, post and beam architect, timber frame, log mansion, mountain, denver, charlotte, boulder, lake tahoe, jacksonville, Savannah, atlanta, jackson hole, lake lure, Dubuque, El Paso, Las Vegas, lake mead, buckhead, destin, portland, vancouver, south bend, fort wayne, cleveland, chicago, new york.
GREEN HOME DESIGN UNIVERSITY QUESTIONS, for those of you taking Rand Soellner’s course of green instruction: about the above subject:
1. What is the Green Home Architects Username on Twitter?
a. SimonSez
b. GreenHomeArch
c. Twittereeze
2. Rand Soellner Architect selected the site, performed the programming analysis and conceptually designed?
a. Dillford’s Dental Clinic.
b. Health & Rehabilitative Services Center.
c. NASA Optical Laboratory.
d. Florida Solar Energy Center.
3. On Twitter, Rand Soellner Architect is also known as:
a. office building designers.
b. Green Home Architects.
c. theme park designers.
4. Rand Soellner is certified as:
a. an Energy Star Partner.
b. a Swambezi warrior.
c. a 33 degree Mason.
d. a mythical reincarnation of Zadook, the tree wizard.
5. What Federal agency stands for the DOE:
a. Dept. of Education.
b. Dept. of Eutrophication.
c. Dept. of Energy
If you are continuing in your Green Home Design University course to the next level,
Favorite this page now, by clicking on your “Favorites” menu choice in the upper left of your Windows Internet Explorer window,
then click here: Going Green 4 Less to go to the next level 11.
1. b., 2. d., 3. b.