Home Renovation Architects help you improve your existing residence.
Home renovation architects have special experience and skills that allow them to see things in your house that aren’t there yet. This renovation ability to see beyond the walls, and to reorganize space and update functional and artistic arrangements is something that takes decades of experience to acquire. Home renovation architects have to understand your wishes for improving your existing residence, then see what your existing structural, plumbing, mechanical and spacial systems are doing and make the intuitive leap beyond to visualize how your desires for the improvement can occur.

Home renovation architects sometimes have to imagine adding on some space, if that is possible and what you want to do. Other times, home renovation architects have to work within your existing walls. That is okay; they know how to do that too.
The Home Architects ® firm designs houses and also will create a renovation for your residence . Sometimes people think the firm only designs large new houses. They do much more than that. The company has been a renovation architect for people’s houses for decades, improving things that they would like to make better. Once in a while, these improvements are major efforts, involving thousands of square feet of new space. More often that not, however, the desired work involves more modest changes to facilitate some more gentle changes that mean a lot to the owners. And that is okay with the Soellner firm. They enjoy residential projects, no matter what the size happens to be, no matter what the renovation involves.
Example home renovation project:
For instance, the firm, working as home renovation architects, took on the design task of renovating a small house in the Holly Berry subdivision of the Cashiers, North Carolina area. The owners wanted a little spacial expansion, about 8 feet out onto an existing deck, and a similar expansion of their kitchen and dining area, along with a greater window dimension so that they could better enjoy the view to Whiteside Mountain (the oldest mountain on the planet, according to geologists, and a big one).

So, the Architect personally went to the house, took some measurements, obtained the existing drawings, then came up with a design improvement to fit the requirements of the project. The homeowner ended up only spending about $35,000 but the effect was substantial. Now their house has a generous kitchen, with an improved open plan design opening to the expanded Dining, and there are much larger windows affording the requested view toward Whiteside Mountain. The exterior decks were also expanded, to replace that area being absorbed into the existing residence.
So, if you are looking for home renovation architects, please keep Rand Soellner Architect in mind. The firm handles large, medium and small home renovation projects. They enjoy them all. Budget-conscious designs are their forte and getting a lot of bang for your buck for your renovation. Sometimes all it takes is for an insightful designer to see something that seems obvious after the fact. But that level of understanding is part of why you hire a design professional. That is part of the magic and value involved in engaging someone that can help you realize your dreams for your house. The Soellner firm shares your enthusiasm for your residential improvement needs.

If you are thinking that your renovation might want to inclulde an Outdoor Living Room, Summer Kitchen, Sleeping Porch, or a new Front Entry; the Soellner firm can handle that for you. Or you might be contemplating one of the two most desired residential renovation projects: an expanded Kitchen or improved Master bathroom/suite. A renovation in these areas typically add value to your house, should you sell it one day, so these are fairly sound investments, if designed properly by design professionals.
There are many things to consider that your designers need to understand. For instance, the position of your existing house on your property and your building setback lines. These are very real, but invisible guideline dimensions, typically established by your community’s neighborhood regulations, that govern how closely your house may sit next to your property lines. You typically cannot build right up to your property lines. There are fire codes that also affect this, as well as acoustical and other reasons, like privacy. If you do not have an existing survey, your architect can help coordinate this with your selected surveyors, do document the proximity of your house to your building setbacks and other features, like utility lines and septic tanks and the like, so you do not proceed to design something that “steps on” something that cannot be moved, or that is expensive to relocate. Good residential designers know these things and look for them when designing your renovation. They keep your renovation out of trouble and help control your costs.
Area served by home renovation architects:
In addition to our immediate locale, Soellner will design renovations for your residence wherever it may be located. So, if you are in Atlanta, Buckhead, Las Vegas, Charlotte, Richmond, Cashiers, Hendersonville, New York, Orlando, Savannah, Myrtle Beach, Charleston, Hilton Head, Chicago, Tacoma, Jackson Hole, Colorado, Hollywood, Canada, or any other place, we are willing to create the renovation design for you. We are a national house renovation architect, which means our abilities can be called on to serve you wherever you need us.
Contact for home renovation architects :
www.HomeArchitects.com rand@homearchitects.com 1. 828. 269. 9046
home improvement architects
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