Custom House Architects design tailormade residences for their clients.

Rand Soellner Architect’s company has been custom house architects for a long time. He started in 1967. Even so, he is still thrilled with each new residential design creation and the new arrangements that take shape before him from each client’s requests and each unique property. He has created scores of house designs over the years. Being a licensed architect, He uses techniques for this work from decades of experience, including on-going continuing education from the AIA (American Institute of Architects) and various state licensing boards (Rand Soellner Architect is licensed in several states) and from his architectural degrees.
(C)Copyright 2009 Rand Soellner, All Rights Reserved Worldwide.
House Architects and How They Create Their Home Designs
What do house architects do that is so different from the typical home you might see as you drive about your typical day? Well, most people have to stuff themselves into homes that were merely built, without anyone in particular in mind. That means inconveniences for you, the owner who is compelled to adapt their desired lifestyle and very possessions to what that builder’s residence will allow them to fit within its walls, right down to the very vehicle you drive, which may or may not fit within that Un-custom stock garage. Try parking a long-bed F-250 crew cab in a stock house builder’s garage. It isn’t going to fit! Don’t get me wrong; I love builders; without them what custom house architects design wouldn’t get built. But there is a reason God made builders and God made designers. Each has unique training and experience and each is good at what they mainly do.
(C)Copyright 2004-9-Rand Soellner, All Rights Reserved Worldwide. Kitchen Design by Rand Soellner Architect.
What Custom House Architects Do For You
What will custom house architects do for you? He/she will listen to you and make sure that your requested super-huge kitchen island is part of the design, so that 4 people can make supper at the same time without bumping into each other (if that is what you have requested of your architect), and so that 6 more people can sit on the other side of that large kitchen island and chat with you, perhaps taking a noisy schurlp from the ladle that you are using to stir your latest pot of gumbo. Your baby grand piano that used to give you such enjoyment and which you have had to store in a warehouse for the past 6 years, because it won’t fit in your stock house, can now be proudly rolled out and installed in a place of prominence in your new residence, designed by your house architect.
Residential Design by Your House Architects
And what is house design, anyway? Your house architects will measure and draw your precious items that you have always wanted to have in your custom house and start with those things, because they represent your Lifestyle. Your Lifestyle is half of the equation, in my book. The other half is your building site/environment/natural surroundings. Being responsive to your surroundings means your custom residential designers will arrange your house plans to take advantage of the best views available on your building site and doing so in a way that insures your Lifestyle is located in a way that allows you to be you and realize all of your dreams (how you want to live) while celebrating the great views on and from your property. Your designers know that: It’s about ownership. You owning your house specifically designed and made for you. A loving relationship between your Lifestyle and Site. If you think this is easy, try it. You’ll probably end up contacting a custom residential architect to create your design.
Being a Custom House Architect
What is so difficult about being house architects? It is like playing 3-dimensional chess. Like arranging the words describing what you want and converting that into a plan arrangement while simultaneously taking into account what you will be looking at from the windows in those developing spaces and how each of those rooms/spaces relates to each other functional, acoustically and socially. And that is not the end of it. Your custom house architect must also be constantly thinking about what your design will look like as people walk up to it and move through and around it: its form and features and details. And how about what holds it up? You have to think about the structure of your house. And how about its finishes, air-conditioning and electrical systems, doors, windows, privacy, acoustics, normal day usage, holiday lots-of-guests usage. And what about cost? Does that concern you? You need to be thinking about not just what you have said you want, but about what you can afford. So much to think about!
Areas Served by House Architects
Areas served by house architect: really, just about anywhere on the planet. After humanity gets a toehold on the Moon and Mars, I can only believe that as soon as someone with enough wealth manages a way to own a piece of those worlds, that we will probably be designing there, some century, as well. For now, on this planet, it really doesn’t matter if you need Asheville home architects, Atlanta home architects, Orlando house designers, Chattanooga residential planners, Denver house designers, Lake Tahoe or elsewhere. We will be able to serve your design heeds. If you may be interested, click here: mountain homes architect for more information about Rand Soellner’s mountain series of house designs.
Contact Your House Architect
Please use the hotlink e-mail address below to contact your custom home architect and have him start designing your new home now! Rand Soellner, one of the world’s leading house architects.
Contact Data: E-mail: website: Phone: 828-269-9046.
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