Architects Perspective of Residential HouseWrap

Architects Perspective of Residential HouseWrap

Architects Perspective of Residential HouseWrap is the actual presentation of the PowerPoint for this subject.

This was delivered September 17, 2019 at the Marriott Hotel in Coral Springs, Florida, USA by HOME ARCHITECTS ® Senior Staff Architect Rand Soellner, ArCH/NCARB.



Click on the image above to play the YouTube video of the presentation.

The main purpose of housewrap is to keep water out of walls.  This video explores the viewpoint of this Architect’s experience with housewrap.  There are several good lessons to be learned about housewrap during this presentation.


Tapes, WRB (Water Resistive Barriers), labor force capabilities, details, material properties are discussed, along with several real world experiences from this Architect, including some of his own personal residences and those of his clients.





tags: housewrap, wall waterproofing