Lake home architects have an amazing backdrop: your lake.

And that’s a lot to work with, isn’t it? Lake home architects don’t have to develop a view by adjusting landscaping, oh no, you’ve already got the view: the lake. You have been visiting your lake for a long time and you either purchased a lakefront lot, inherited lake view acreage or otherwise decided to enjoy lake living.
You need lake home architects to help make this happen for you and your family. Great lakefront homes don’t just happen, and you have seen all the “free” plans out there and they just don’t capture your family’s needs. You want lake home architects to design your special house on your lake. Good for you! Excellent decision.
Lake Home Architects and You
That’s who makes the your lakefront house a reality.

Some people do not know where nice homes come from. Some people think builders just start building and happy accidents occur to result in outstanding houses. That is really not how it is done. And certainly not in that way, if you want any sort of predictable result. That takes programming, planning, design and administration of your lakefront house project by experienced lake home architects. They are degreed, licensed and registered design professionals that make it all happen for you and your family. That is their business; they do it nearly every day of the year. That’s the kind of experience you need to properly handle your lakefront house project.
Technical aspects of the work accomplished by lake home architects.
There are technical aspects to the work of lake home architects. For instance, critical building setback lines, beyond which you are not allowed to construct your house, per local county, state, federal and neighborhood guidelines. There are often septic setbacks as well and this controls lake water quality and the continued proper functioning of sewage treatment systems on each lot, where neighborhood systems are not provided.
Also, there are geological bearing issues, for which your lake home architects should request geotechnical analysis and a report from a geotechnical engineering company. Many people decide to forego this step, but competent lake home architects will want to go on the record as having requesting this important diagnosis. The reason: soils can be soft around lakes and it is important to understand the relative depths the foundation contractor must excavate to get to stable soils that are capable of permanently holding up your house.
Lake home architects design creative features that most people would not imagine.

Now for the fun stuff: lake home architects designing a beautiful, functional house for you and your family. Lake home architects like Rand Soellner really enjoy what they do. Can’t you tell? Just look at this design for just one of Rand’s clients on Lake Toxaway. You may want a special boat storage area in the crawlspace under your lakefront home, like the one Soellner is preparing for his other clients on the largest lake in the Glade Springs Resort in West Virginia right now. Obtaining lake access can also be a challenge, but Soellner thinks of these as opportunities. In the West Virginia house, Soellner took the client’s suggestion and is designing large boulder steps along one side of the house to not only give exterior access to the basement level, but to continue down to the lakefront.
This affords pedestrian access to the entire family and pets, to several levels to the house and the site environment. Soellner also designed a lakefront sitting area that projects into the lake, with a firepit, so that you can have family campfires and weenie roasts literally “in” the water! How much fun does that sound like?
Would you have thought of that? That is why you engage professionals like lake home architects. For the cool stuff, the technical issues and everything in between. Please review the homes you can see on this huge website for further examples of the sort of designs you can obtain for your house projects. There are 1,000+ pages for your information and enjoyment, giving you facts and ideas for comfortable lakefront homes, rambling giant mountain castles, and cozy compact cottages for your hometown. Rand Soellner is also RandSoellnerArc, the Green Home Architects on Twitter, where he posts a “tweet” each day about energy conservation, recycling construction materials, sustainability and other interesting information and ideas about home architects, residential architecture and house aesthetics.
Contact for lake home architects:
Rand Soellner Architect 828. 269. 9046