Project Management

We can provide you with Project Management services.  This is where we act as your designated project representative to manage all or just some aspects of your project.


If you are a busy person and are earning your living doing things that allow you to afford to have your project designed and built, you may not have the time to deal with the day-to-day coordination tasks that it takes to run the job.  With the Internet, HOME ARCHITECTS ® can run and manage your project for you.  Just ask us:  1-828-269-9046.

How we are paid to manage your project: on an hourly basis, using our rates/hour.  We can manage everything, or just those tasks you want us to manage, or start out managing certain groups of tasks and proceed from there.  At any point, you are welcome to assume responsibility for future management tasks.  It is your choice.  This is a flexible arrangement.  You will be billed at least once a month for our project management duties on your behalf, so that you can understand what you are paying for.















Having your project professionally managed can help keep your project moving forward and possibly save you money, by having things done properly the first time.  Nothing is more expensive than having to pay other people to come back and redo things because you were not aware that you should have asked them to do more/other things while they were there, or to have them do things in a different way.  Having an experienced Architect acting as your PM (Project Manager) helps to keep things running correctly and efficiently.


A Few Examples of Project Management tasks

Creation of survey list of requirements for your particular project.  Identification  and solicitation of Surveyors in your project area (or as close as is possible), review of proposals.  Review of survey.  Note: if you think that you know what is supposed to be on a survey, but you are not an Architect, you will probably end up paying your Surveyor more, to return again, to obtain the added information your Architect needs and wants, so that he can properly do his job.

Creation of geotechnical list of requirements for your project, indicating where the soil borings are to be taken and the analysis thereof.  Identification and solicitation of Geotechnical Engineers in your project area, review of proposals.  Review of report.   Not many people understand what is to be included in a subterranean soils analysis.  Better to have a highly experienced Architect managing this process for you.















Your Project Manager can investigate the qualifications of the various interested licensed General Contractors in your area and also verify that they have their licenses with the State, discover if there is a history of complaints on file with the licensing jurisdiction, verify insurance coverage, ask them to fill out a questionnaire that automatically assigns points to their answers to rank them as more desirable or less so.

When necessary, we can physically appear on your project property to observe what is happening in person.

Most of the Project Management duties can be handled using today’s Internet, Skype video conferencing, phone calls, FedEx and e-mails.  Even companies managing projects in their own town manage project using these electronic tools, because it is simply more convenient.  When the element of greater distance is involved, that doesn’t change the effectiveness of these electronic systems: they continue to work well to help manage your project.  For instance, having the Contractor take digital photos and digital camcorder movies of walks through your project can supplement the company’s in-person visits, especially when the HOME ARCHITECTS ® are the ones indicating where such images are taken in the project.















You are the one responsible to obtaining permits and approvals with these and other agencies, because it is your project.  Your Project Manager can assist with these coordination efforts and help document requirements and fill out forms for your signature, if you wish, or even appear in person, if you want those management activities outsourced.

Your Project Manager can create an overall detailed project schedule that lists the hundreds of activities and items that need to happen to allow your project to move forward and to coordinate properly with others.  Do you know how to do this?  You could benefit from having a design and construction professional do this for you.  That way, you can know where your project is at, from start to finish, if you so desire.  Most people do not do this and just let events happen.  This is not a good approach.  You really need to know what happens next and down the road so that you are prepared financially and physically, for events that do require your physical presence.  And: wouldn’t it be nice to know when things are supposed to happen? Time is money and having a project schedule can help your project to remain on track.

There will be a host of other activities too numerous to list here.  Many of those can be handled for you by a competent Project Manager.














If you cannot be present for various situations that can and do occur on many projects, you may find yourself needing to have a professional representing your interests, in an even-handed manner, to help resolve issues for your project.  Even if you can be there, you may find yourself not equipped to deal with certain situations.  Having a Project Manager with decades of design and construction skills can be a lifesaver in these circumstances.


Contact   1-828-269-9046  for Project Management services.


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