Rand Soellner Architect has new house designs from 1,200 square feet to 1,800 square feet to 2,500 square feet and beyond. These are under development for a variety of clients, just like you.

To see these new house designs, you can come visit Rand at his home office, or he is in the process of obtaining a Skype configuration that will allow you to contact him through his computer and see what he is developing. The Soellner firm would be happy to create a version of any of these and even your own, from scratch, if you wish. You deserve it.
New House Designs and the Internet
Tired of settling for other people’s ideas and buying their used houses? Isn’t it about time you had your dream designed and built for you? Can’t find what you want looking at “free plans” on the internet? You won’t. Soellner hears this all the time. People come to him after they have wasted months searching for the exact plan and design they want. You may wonder why want you want does not exist? The answer is surprisingly simple: you are unique. You have special needs, wants and objectives. Until you finally pay someone to create exactly what you want, you probably will not find it.
Real Architects

Residential Architects are here to help you accomplish that. An architect is, by definition, licensed and registered in at least one state in the USA. They are are the only profession legally authorized to use the term “architect” and “architectural.” Whomever you decide to have design your project should be able to provide you with their license number in a matters of a few seconds. If they can’t, they are probably not the real thing. It suggested that you not place the health, happiness and welfare of your family in the trust of anyone other than a properly licensed real architect. Your house should be a healthy, structurally sound, safe and life-giving place. An architect is the only one, who through education, experience, testing and licensing that is best able to provide this.
Open Plan Design
Soellner’s new house designs are all based on his Open Plan Design principles that give you the feeling that the house has more space than it really does. Soellner learned these concepts while designing projects for one of Frank Lloyd Wright’s main apprentices (Nils Schweizer).
Construction cost of new house designs are lower
The other feature that is attractive regarding these new house designs: lower construction cost. While the actual final cost of your house is the result of the decisions you make and how your builder prices it, these new Soellner designs incorporate lessons learned from a lifetime of designing, learning from other architects, builders and clients, constantly trying to improve the value of the house. Schedule a meeting with Rand Soellner to begin discussing how you can benefit from these cutting-edge new house designs.