designing projects physically connected to the mountain bedrock.
North Carolina Home Architects ®
North Carolina is a beautiful place, particularly in the Blue Ridge Mountains of western North Carolina. Finding the right North Carolina Home Architects to create your house plans for your residential project is an important step to achieving your goal of creating your mountain dream house in North Carolina. Places that have special appeal are Cashiers, Lake Toxaway, Sapphire, Glenville and Highlands.
All of these rural villages are on “The Plateau”, an elevated portion of the southern tip of the Appalachian Mountain chain along US Highway 64, running from east to west, starting about 50 miles west of Asheville. The average elevation is around 3,500’ ASL (Above Sea Level), but can be lower and some of the HOME ARCHITECTS ® projects are built on the sides of cliffs at 4,600’ ASL. Their Falcon Cliff Lodge is at 3,580’. This is the province of a rare type of North Carolina home architect. Those in the mountains.

North Carolina HOME ARCHITECTS ®
Western North Carolina has an Alpine Rain Forest ecology. This is the only one of these special environments in the eastern United States. It takes special experience and skill to properly design houses here. HOME ARCHITECTS ® is a licensed architectural firm in North Carolina and senior staff architect, Rand Soellner, ArCH, RA, NCARB is also licensed in several states, including North Carolina and some people call him an “architect’s mountain architect”, meaning that he knows more about how to design and build in unique mountainous environments than most others on the planet. He holds Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in Architecture, and his educational and real world life has held a focus of design for about 40 years. He has never seen a situation for which he couldn’t design an attractive solution. When it comes to North Carolina firms, HOME ARCHITECTS ® is at the top of their profession.
Going About Finding North Carolina Home Architects to Design Your House

How would you going about finding North Carolina Home Architects to create the house plans for your new mountain residence design? Well, for one thing, type in search phrases for what you think you want into your Google browser, then review the websites that come up on the first page.
Those are usually companies that are popular or that are making current contributions to their practice or are being published or are otherwise active in a particular genre. For instance, HOME ARCHITECTS ® comes up usually in the top 4 or even #1 when you type in things like: “home architects” or “mountain home architects” or “mountain home architect” or simply: Timber Frame Architects or Post and Beam Architects. Make some notes about those firms whose websites seem to resonate within you. Cast aside those who have no appeal for you. Then re-review the companies to whom you feel most attracted, go into depth on their websites. Whether you are looking for North Carolina residential architects or any other state, the same philosophy works. Read every word about the company you are considering; check out their entire website. Does it sound like they know what they are talking about, or is it just marketing fluff? Do you actually learn things about their practice, valuable things borne of their experiences creating designs and seeing them get built over decades? Do they have some testimonials on their website; people who have said some nice things about them? Do they sound like they are knowledgeable architects?
North Carolina Home Architects and Custom House Designers

Now, make a phone call to your possible North Carolina Home Architects and have a chat. Do they seem like nice people with whom you want to have an extended relationship over the upcoming months (and possibly years) as they create your house plans and it gets built? Can they answer your questions knowledgeably? Do you get a good feeling about them? Do they have any energy efficient strategies for your house design project? North Carolina residential architects have special insights to help you get the vacation or retirement house about which you have been dreaming.
The Difference Between a Home Architect and a House Designer
And what exactly is the difference between an Architect and a Designer? Well, for one thing, an Architect is a state-licensed professional that has spent decades earning major university degrees, serving in apprenticeship roles for experienced architects and have passed rigorous exams, then has to take demanding continuing education courses every year. Their practices are monitored by the States in which they are licensed. Architects can design. Designers can’t legally call themselves Architects and cannot legally do all that an Architect can do, by law. Architects have more experience. Designers have no one monitoring their activities and they may have no credentials whatsoever, or they may be people that could not or have not passed the required tests or obtained the degrees necessary to be the real thing. Anyone can call themselves a designer, then offer to plan your house. Our advice is: hire an Architect; you’ll be glad you did, and you are much more likely to receive documents that professionally indicate what it is that you want, so that when your contractor builds it, it is what you expected: your mountain dream design! In North Carolina, we suggest that you engage North Carolina architects.
In North Carolina, Contact Licensed North Carolina Home Architects
Call Rand Soellner Architect at: 828-269-9046 e-mail: website:
tags: north carolina, south carolina, cashiers, asheville, hendersonville, charlotte, orlando, glade springs, west virginia, virginia, oklahoma, new york, south bend
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