You have been cooped up in your apartment or existing aging house, thinking: Time to start planning for my spring project! And there is no better time than right now to get started on that new house or residential renovation. Of course, before it can be built, it has to be designed. And there’s no better professional available than a residential architect.
Spring Project Planning
The winter, just after the major holidays, has always been a time of new projects at Rand Soellner Architect and this year is no exception. Soellner’s trademarked term: HOME ARCHITECTS TM says it all: they design houses all over the USA, the Americas and the World. The Soellner firm often begins planning for client projects during the winter, so that when warm weather arrives, work might hopefully begin on his clients’ proposed new houses and renovations.
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Soellner is receiving record traffic on his website: , as he typically does in the early months of each year. People seem to want to get through Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year’s Day in order to have the time they need to focus on efforts for a major new undertaking like a new house or renovation of an aging residence. Soellner is seeing from 72,000 to 84,000 hits on his website a year, and visitors are on the rise. That’s about 7,000 people a month, and 230 average a day, however, recently Soellner noticed a spike of 315 visitors on a Sunday. That’s over 13.1 visitors an hour, or 1 visitor approximately every 4-1/2 minutes. That’s a lot of interest in residential design and planning for spring projects!

Soellner enjoys getting projects started early, so that his clients can understand how his designs fulfill their functional and aesthetic requests, long before they are built. That’s one of the advantages of starting Before you need a residential design: so that you have the time to understand the physical and economic implications of your project well before you want construction to begin. Planning early is what it is all about.
Some people prefer to wait until the warm weather is here, but they discover that they can’t immediately begin to build then. They first need a design. And this is going to be their dream retirement house. So do you imagine that they want a quickie design out of a magazine or other source of designs that have nothing to do with their desired lifestyle and their site? No, of course not. They want a design custom tailored to what they want. And how to you find such a design? You engage a residential architect who designs the sort of houses that appeal to you.
That bears repeating: How do you find the design that works for you?
It can really be that simple. It is suggested that you Not try to cobble together bits and pieces of portions of houses that you have torn out of publications and hope that you can put it together. You can’t. That will be a frustrating exercise, as many of you have already discovered. It takes a lifetime of designing houses to know how to design a residence properly. That’s what an architect brings to the table. Allow him or her to do their job on your behalf. When you find an architect whose style of houses “speaks to you,” that is the main hurdle. Once that is established, your residential architect will listen to you explain what you want in your house and plan it accordingly. It will typically look like what that architect’s body of work has been doing for the last several decades.

The architecture of houses is complex. The AIA (American Institute of Architects) indicates that residential design is one of the most complex design tasks an architect can undertake. There is a lot going on between the walls and many issues to resolve and a host of regulations and functional and aesthetic concerns. Your house architect is the one, through education, training, licensure and experience that brings it all together for you.
And starting your project in the dead of winter is an excellent time to get your project planning and design going and perhaps even done before the new year’s warmer weather breaks, so that your project can get a jump on the year before other people’s projects book up the builders. Speaking of builders, the recession has taken its toll: there has been attrition. There are not as many residential builders available to to quality custom construction as there used to be. But there continues to be more people. As our economy continues to improve, peoples’ pent up demand for new custom residential housing and renovations will increase and eventually make today’s smaller pool of available quality builders busy.
Call to Action: Get Started Now by Engaging Your Residential Architect Now!
Rand Soellner Architect: 1-828-269-9046.
tags: planning spring projects, custom design, atlanta, orlando, hendersonville, cashiers, highlands, lake toxaway, chicago, wisconsin, timber, post and beam, boulder