Publications, Research & Economic

Publications, Research & Economic Index


Research & Economic





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mountain home architects



Rand Soellner has been favored with being published in a variety of places over the decades.  Soellner has been published in full color coffee table architectural books like Image Publishing’s House With A View, available on  Just get online on Amazon and type: House With A View into the search window and there it will be.

In that particular volume, Rand Soellner is one of about 20 featured architects.  Photos of three of his houses are displayed.  No other architect has more residences featured in this book.  Images Publishing asked Rand if he might want to consider having them publish a book just about his life’s work, but he asked them to give it another 10 years or so.

Also under the “Publications” heading above, you will find numerous newspaper and magazine articles about his projects and interviews asking him for his input on different issues relevant to house design.

In the Research & Economic section, you will find information about various research subjects undertaken by Soellner over the years, all with the intent of improving the design of your project.  There are also several pages of information regarding ranges of costs for various types of construction.  We hope that you will find the information useful to you.

Some of the economic information relates to custom residential construction, timber frame and log construction, roofing, insulation, glass, finishes, roofing and many other topics.  It can be surprising to many people that many fabricators of these various systems typically inform them what their system alone costs, and that can be understandable.  However, what the residential client wants to know is how much their entire project will cost.  So, it can be confusing to a client, when they are told that they can obtain a timber frame house for perhaps $61/square foot.  The client believes this means that they can build their house for this figure, and nothing could be further from the truth.  Did anyone mislead them?  Probably not.  It is just that without a residential architect to explain what figures like this mean, it can be open to misinterpretation.

For instance, sure, you can obtain your timber frame package for that figure.  What you may not be aware of is that this figure is then typically ADDED to your other costs of construction.  So, no, you are not going to build a timber frame house for $61/sf.  We can help you understand how this all gets factored into the total that a contractor is likely to charge you.

Research subjects are fascinating, including reasons why taller windows and glass give you a more spacious feeling, to appliances what might give you more bang for your buck, new window screening that rolls up into the head frame so that your view is clear when the window is closed and many other subjects, including the kitchen sink.