Remote Site Analysis is one of the state-of-the-art services offered by HOME ARCHITECTS ®. The firm requests as much information as you have about your site, which may be located anywhere in the United States or the world. Ideally, you would fly us to your remote location so that we can walk it with you. However, some people do not wish to incur this expense, particularly early in the project analysis stage, when they are simply trying to obtain an understanding about where, in general their house might be best located.
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Note: click here:—> pay for Remote Site Diagnosis (and begin a remote study of my land with an Architect.)
Remote Site Analysis

As the term implies, Remote Site Analysis involves an Architect flying around your site in virtual reality, landing and walking around (electronically), observing the general slopes, apparent views, proximity to surrounding houses and buildings, roads and other observable items. Then, the Architect listens to you describe your preferences for your proposed residence, then examines the views from one or more possible locations for your house, using the VR software. The Architect notes the apparent best views on some of the captured imagery of the 3D world imagery.

Then the Architect sketches a simple diagram of the possible house location and entry drive. This is not intended as an actual design or site plan. It is a general idea of possible location and possible arrangement of a few major features. The purpose is to help you understand some of the possibilities for the general location of your house.
In some analyses, the firm may provide a very simple 3D foundation wall and main level slab model image using the VR software. This would be very basic.
Ideally, you would provide the Architect with an e-mail of your survey (preferably as an AutoCAD DWG), any County Health Department information regarding approvals for septic and wells or other site utilities present or planned and their location on your land, geological studies you may have had previously performed and your own good thoughts about your ideas for your project, along with several digital photographs you have taken on your site, preferably in 360 degrees.
Once again, there is no substitute for actually being on your site and being in the reality of that experience. However, if you do not wish to have the expense of transporting your architect to the location, you may wish to consider this interesting high-technology option. This architectural company offers this service as a very economical option.
It is surprising what information can be obtained from this remote study. For instance, in this particular one, above, in Colorado, across the valley from the Grand Mesa, one of the proposed site locations was observed to have an enormous hill behind it, which would conduct thousands of gallons of flash flood water down over that site. This lead to the consideration of another location, without this topographic issue, and better views.
Please give the company a phone call at: 1-828-269-9046 to discuss your needs and obtain a quote for your Remote Site Analysis. Or send them an e-mail at: