Remote Site Diagnosis service is about how this HOME ARCHITECTS ® is providing analysis of Client land throughout the USA (and globally) by using Google Earth to “fly around” Client sites in virtual reality.
Not only that, this architectural firm has made this service a “product” on their company website Store. Anyone desiring this Remote Site Diagnosis can get on the company website, enter the Store (on the main menu, far right side), then prepay for the service using PayPal through the website. Simple.
This special introductory service is called REMOTE SITE DIAG ™.
This service is called “introductory” because it is budget priced as a great value. Too low to mention here. See the webpage for current pricing:
Remote Site Diagnosis <–click here, or click the Remote Site Diag logo above to see that webpage.
The intention is twofold:
1. To help people who need and want to get started understanding the opportunities present at their property.
2. To hopefully lead these Clients to understanding that there is much yet to be done on a project and that they will hopefully become actual full-service architectural Clients, after the Remote Site Diagnosis service has been provided.
The Remote Site Diagnosis service provides a PDF emailed report to the Client, only a few days after engaging the company, which contains the Architect’s preliminary analysis of the Client’s property, based on information provided by the Client, what the Architect can see on remote viewing software, and minimal research. The report will contain screen capture images of the remote viewing, along with observation seen regarding topography (slopes of the land), possible views, possible driveway/ road locations to gain access to the project building/ home location, possible best location on which to build, simple imagery identifying the home/ building location using simple tools contained in Google Earth, possible vehicular circulation location. And as indicated on the Remote Site Diag webpage.
The Client is free to use the report provided by the Architect however them deem helpful.
An actual, real Architect will be conducting each Remote Site Diagnosis. That alone provides a level of expertize unexpected in such a budget service.