Walking your land with the Architect ranks up among the most important activities for many land owners today. There is something magical about having the person who will design your house (and other possibly more substantial project) there, with you, treading on the sacred ground that you own. Click here to –> Contact Us and start the process on your land.

Here is where you will live your life, possibly for decades, or perhaps the rest of your time on this planet. It needs to be special. Custom-made to meet your objectives. Your Architect is the person who knows how to orient your house to take advantage of the great views, logically place spaces where they properly integrate with your topography (ground slopes), and functionally and aesthetically organize the entire project.
Before your Architect walks your land, your dreams remain just that; dreams without substance. As soon as the professional that will design your house (or other project) is there, with you, treading your ground, your project immediately begins to take shape and gather inertia. Soon, architectural drawings will be started and Site Plans, Floor Plans and Elevations will start to take shape. There will be a creative power unleashed that gives form to ideas. That is what is so important about this act: linking the land, you, your ideas and your Architect’s imagination together. This is the start of something amazing: your house; your project.

Some of the HOME ARCHITECTS ® projects also involve larger schemes involving Mountain Style theming, however, there is almost always a custom residential aspect to parts of the effort.
So how does a “Walk Your Land with the Architect” event happen?
Almost always, it begins with the potential client phoning the Architect, who answers and a conversation ensues, during which the land owner (Client) asks:
“What’s next? How do we get this going?”
That is when the Architect responds saying something like:
“Well, usually our Clients pay us a modest flat fee to go to your property and walk your land with you.”
And then the Client & Architect schedule a date and time to meet at the project property.
This professional service is called a Preliminary Site Visit & Report
What happens at this event:
1. Your Architect meets you at the site (your land) at the designated date & time.
2. You and your Architect walk your land together (you may also move around in vehicles like ATVs, 4x4s and cars, depending on the condition of ground, the size of the property, and the type of vehicles you may provide and have on your land.
3. You talk about what you want to happen here for your project
4. Your Architect listens, takes notes and asks questions and makes observations. If you have an electronic survey, hopefully your Surveyor has been able to e-mail that to your Architect before this meeting, so that your Architect will have that with him. That is a good tool to have, on which to make comments and identify locations for various project components, like roads, driveways, vehicular circulation, parking, house(s), entry approaches, possible security/fencing, access ways, buildings, garages, barns, and other features.
5. Note locations of best view directions.
6. Possible locations for septic and well features.
7. Possible view clearing areas.
8. For some projects, there may be quite a few additional parameters, depending on the type of facilities planned.

9. Your Architect leaves.
10. Your Architect creates and e-mails you a summary brief text report documenting what was said and observed. This helps you become more organized with your approach.
See related online article on this website at:
Contact: Rand@HomeArchitects.com 828-269-9046 Call to schedule a site visit.
tags: walk your land with the Architect, site consultation, cashiers, lake toxaway, sevierville, Lenoir, hendersonville, highlands, asheville, waynesville, sylva, aspen, telluride, crossville