We Live in the Clouds is about this custom home Architect company living where most of their clients live: IN THE CLOUDS of the western NC mountains.

As this photo illustrates, this Architect literally lives in the clouds, at elevation 3,483 feet ASL. This photo was taken this morning, 7/31/2022 approx. 9AM.
Moisture and clouds build over the Gulf of Mexico:
Whose water volume is about 1,000 miles from SW to NE, actually much larger in area than the land mass over which the clouds travel to reach western NC. So, it should be no surprise that there are sufficient clouds to reach WNC on a daily basis, carrying with them substantial rain droplets, so that when they collide into the southern tip of the Appalachian chain of mountains (which lie along the southern side of US Hwy 64), the moisture in them condenses and falls in the greater Cashiers, NC area, providing the 100 to 200 inches of rain a year to this Alpine Rain Forest ecology. And of course, the scenic views as above.